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Sonamba for the Home
Includes main unit with built-in activity sensors and emergency button, and one Sonamba panic button wristband. Requires Data Plan. (Your credit card will be billed monthly). Includes text messaging and alerts to four caregivers, emergency-related voice calls, and web-based access to Sonamba for remote updates to medication alert and address book settings, and for sending photos.
With Sonamba, seniors can send and receive text messages and emails from the comfort of their living room! Sonamba has its own phone number, so family can send messages directly to the senior's Sonamba from their cell phones and computers.

IND Product ID:With Sonamba, seniors can send and receive text messages and emails from the comfort of their living room! Sonamba has its own phone number, so family can send messages directly to the senior's Sonamba from their cell phones and computers.